
pop wind strikes the incarnation of Li Yuchun pet fashion!

pop wind strikes the incarnation of Li Yuchun pet fashion!Pop wind strikes the incarnation of Li Yuchun pet fashion!Pop style and popular style, the word (POP) from the English popular " ", originated in the United kingdom.After World War II was born a new generation for the style of monotonous, cold impersonal modernism, the internationalism design of disgust, that is old, outdated concept embodiment, they hope to have a new design style to reflect the new concept of consumption, a new cultural identity stance, new self-expression center, then in the British youth design of home of the bebop shooting sports." the father of pop art " Andy Warhol, "Marilyn Monroe" is the more familiar with the works of Warhol.Li Yuchun is the first Chinese stamps on the mainland artists.The stamp to pop technique performance of different spring, is a Chinese stamp design of a breakthrough,japanese dress; the 1 head changes for the 8 Deputy ticket pattern,korean clothing wholesale, with bright colors, exaggerated cartoon creation, constitute a rich personality, passion and visual language, vivid manifestation of Li Yuchun the image of the unique charm.Li Yuchun was the first to climb the 1 stamps of China mainland artists pop elements: strong colors clash with Li Yuchun a new album cover color with intense color collision,korean apparel, so as to achieve the visual impact, is one of the characteristics of pop style.Highlight color matching, color balance and conflict, the intense collision and harmony Li Yuchun new album cover color with intense color collision 2 pop element two: stripe is a common pattern stripes is the most commonly used pop elements, often let a person almost ignore this wave general style, although only a simple repetitive and monotonous black and white ash, but interpretation of the eternal taste of fashion is a continuous cycle, plus the time to perform 9 pop style logo design: drawing, abstract alphabet Li Yuchun personally involved in the design of the " WHYME" logo logo, the main use of a rebellious spirit of black and white graffiti design style, with old film sense, concise and simple expression I, efficiency and dash.Joined the hit color, letters, red lips look was very naive lovely pictures, very good effect.Red lips and looked very naive lovely pattern 10 pop elements: widening the makeup eyeliner, depicting the high purity Hyun-color pop art is one of the major characteristics of bold colors, popular colors include purple, blue, yellow and orange.Such a makeup can also be referred to as a monochrome appearance, the whole face was only a publicity color to the aggregation of line of sight.Eye: widening the eye, looks like punk smokey-eye make-up version.Pop art is one of the major characteristics of bold colors

